
5 Social Media Mistakes you Cannot make

When it comes to using social media, the chances of generating leads on such platforms are endless thanks to the fact that platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have been increasingly used by B2C (business-to-consumer) and B2B (business-to-business) companies, especially for marketing.

However, if you want to get all the benefits social media marketing has to offer, you have to use it properly. So, here’s a list of the five biggest social media mistakes to avoid, in order to get ahead on social media in 2019:

  1. Considering Social Media as a Continuous Sales Pitch

This is the first mistake companies make when using social media for marketing purposes. Not every post should be promoting and advertising a product or service you offer and asking visitors to buy or subscribe.

Luckily, all you need to do in order to avoid this tremendous mistake is to follow the 80/20 rule. That is, 80 percent of your social media posts should include informative or educational posts, whereas the other 20 percent should be dedicated to sales. By doing so, you will gradually increase your client’s trust. Because, let’s face it, you are most likely going to unfollow companies who clog your feed with constant sales pitches.

  1. Using the ‘Newsjacking’ Tactic Inappropriately

Before we dig deeper into this issue, let’s first clarify what ‘newsjacking’ is, in case you’re not familiar with the term. The term stands for the process of using trending news to maximise the advantage of promoting your brand’s message.

Namely, the newsjacking tactic is beneficial and extremely effective only when done well and at the right moment. To do so, you should always avoid news regarding human suffering. That’s the only rule to follow. For example, if you’re a construction supply company, don’t try to take advantage of a natural disaster to try to sell building materials. This will only offend prospect buyers and do harm to your reputation.

  1. Underestimating the Need of Good Quality Images

Brands usually forget the importance of image and video quality since they consider social media as an informal marketing channel. Yet, the importance of posting both high quality images and videos is indisputable just as it is when using more traditional and formal marketing platforms.

The truth is, if architects see low-quality visuals, they will certainly leave your brand as soon as possible. Posting superior visuals of your building-products or services is essential. So, don’t hesitate and invest in a high-quality camera and equipment that will help you present your new products in the best way.

  1. Not Making Difference between Different Platforms

This is quite a common and easy mistake to make – posting identical content with the same visuals and captions on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. – so try not to fall into the trap. Just remember, it doesn’t only matter to create amazing content related to your brand and business, but also how you present it on different social media platforms.

There’s a huge difference from one social media platform to another. Each of them is unique and distinctive with its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, when creating content always consider the platform it is intended to be posted on.

  1. Thinking that Quantity is Better than Quality

Thinking of gaining as many followers as possible as the key segment of social media marketing is the last but not least important mistake you can make. However, quality is always superior to quantity and you must have this in mind.

Hence, having 20 posts per week that aren’t fantastic doesn’t really mean that your social media marketing strategy is excellent. Rather, having 10 quality posts per week is going to have a better impact on your audience.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know which social media mistakes to avoid, you can focus on what’s important and take your business to the next level. Just make sure you follow our advice and you’ll enjoy the benefits in no time.

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