
Is Your Website Working Hard Enough For Your Business?

Redeveloping your website and investing in your website should be one of the easiest investment decisions you can make.

Your website should be paying for itself and hitting KPIs like any other star employee. It should be delivering obvious value, tirelessly and not joining you on your long lunch! If this isn’t the case for you, then read on.

Think Whole Business

A great website builds efficiencies across a wide range of business functions. Sales and Marketing of course, but also Customer Service, Recruitment, Legal and even Procurement and Distribution. Building business value from your website development over time should be one of the easiest investment decisions for forward-thinking business owners.

Start here with looking at where the ROI is for the ideal website.

Capture Cost Savings First

A Dollar Saved Is A Dollar Earned!

There are lots of ways your website can provide a better customer experience for your business. Starting with capturing savings in time spent selling to or servicing customers will ensure that you are as efficient as you can be. This ensures the wheels don’t fall off when you start to drive more demand with your advertising. 

  • Answer Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ pages are an integral part of most customer support strategies. They save both the customer and your employees time. It saves customers the trouble of contacting customer service to get answers to simple questions, and employees can use standardised, high quality answers for recurring enquiries. 

  • Provide downloadable forms

Web forms allow you to collect and manage information easily and efficiently! Save on the paperwork by allowing customers to provide data that can be added to your CRM or other Service Management systems.

  • Deliver service information

Providing further information on the services you provide acts as a great selling point for your business. This helps your first point of contact refresh their memory, or allows them to share information with other decision makers such as their business or life partners.

  • Provide updates and reminders

One of my friends has to set 4 alarms each night. One for 6.00, 6.04, 6.08, and 6.10. I guess they just need a lot of reminders to wake up on time! 

To convert leads, you may have to continually remind your audience who you are and what you’re up to. Having updates and reminders on your website keeps your products/and or services top-of-mind for your potential customers.

Get Found By People Already Looking For You

Did you know that more than 87 percent of shoppers begin their product searches online?

That is more than 4.5 billion global internet users searching for anything and everything online first. Make sure they find you.

As a result, consumers who use a search engine are 2.4x more likely to buy AND they drive more revenue by spending 2.6x more across mobile and desktop, compared to those that don’t. 

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the work to make sure you are found in the areas you service by the people looking for you. Learn more about SEO here and make sure SEO is top of the list when thinking about how to structure your website, page and what content you regularly post.


Your Website Is Your Communication Hub For Clients & Prospects

This is where you are in control of your presence. Take the time to really get to know your customers. This will enable you to craft the content on your website accordingly. As a general rule, the more niche your business is, the more relevant it will be.

By providing your customers with regular updates on new products or services, whether that be through email marketing or promoting it directly on your site, you continually remind your audience who you are and what you’re up to. 

This principle can also be carried out to inform prospective customers about changes to your offerings or promotions. 


Your website is like a first date

You want to make a good first impression when someone finds your business for the first time. It’s much like going on a date. It is your audience’s first impression that determines how they interact with and perceive your business. Your website’s design is what makes the majority of first impressions. 

94% of first impressions relate to your website’s design, make sure it reflects who you are as a business and is easy to use on a PC as well as a mobile device.


Can Your Website Close Sales (or directly contribute to them!)

If you are selling products directly, especially where unit costs are sub-$500, then eCommerce will be one of the best investments you can make for your business. 

If you are offering consultations for professional services, having an online order form or online bookings for appointments will help make sales or clearly contribute to them.

Go ahead and ask for the sale on the page, too few pages do this, tell users what you want them to do or how they can fix their problem right there and then!


75% of your website’s credibility comes from design

Whenever someone finds your business online, you want them to know that you’re legitimate. With so many scams going around on the Internet, a poorly managed website can make you look untrustworthy or like you’re running a scam. 

You increase your credibility, trust and sales by investing time, money and effort into building a beautiful site. 


Answer What’s In It For Me (WIIFM) For Website Visitors

Your website is a great place to remind past and potential customers why they should start to (and keep) working with you.

Remind customers about advances and investments in your business, wins with new customers, new markets. And make sure you highlight it on your home page and in monthly newsletters. Ensure all the effort you put into improving your business does not go unnoticed.

Don’t be all about you. Celebrate the community you serve with stories on customers you have helped, any causes you support, etc.

Solicit feedback and reviews from your community that shows the heartbeat of your business and how you think and interact with customers.


74% of users are more likely to return to mobile-friendly sites

You want to make sure your site looks great on mobile devices. Mobile devices account for nearly 80% of Internet usage, yet most of us still test new pages or features on a PC screen. 

As more people use mobile devices and smartphones and tablets, it becomes ever more important to create a site that works perfectly on these devices. 

Digital Is ALL About Data

Because we can measure everything, we should. But it has to be correctly tracked at the outset. If not we don’t have the data to look back on as various questions or issues arise.

Make sure your web dev has your website set up for Google Analytics, you connect Google Console (for SEO data and any crawl issues) and your various Ad platforms have cookies/tags in place to track users across channels.

Report & Review

Oh and make sure you look at this once a month and get your team across how the numbers are shifting. You are not investing in digital marketing and your website to tick a box.

Driving Awareness should lead to Engagement and this should lead to Conversions. If it isn’t we need to go back to first principles. If in doubt we can check it out!



Your Digital Solution is a full-service digital marketing agency that can tailor digital solutions to meet the needs of every business. We can assist with anything from search engine optimisation (SEO), web-builds/rebuilds, strategy, email marketing and online advertising.

Our extensive portfolio of happy clients range from landscaping and interior design to lawyers, medical, B2B and veterinary practices. We are here to develop strategies and execute flawlessly to help you achieve your goals.



Your Digital Solution (YDS) is one of the best value digital agencies in Australia. We help clients from a wide range of industries to identify threats and opportunities in their business and market.

We are experts at websites, social media, search engines, content marketing and email marketing.

If it is online and generates business – we drive it for you! Our team can do this for you or your network.


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