
6 Tips on How to Use Email Marketing Effectively

Email Marketing can be a little tricky to master, especially because there’s a very fine line between sending too much and not enough. We all subscribe to certain mailing lists; things we’re interested in, things we feel like we should be more interested in and things we never really intended on signing up to in the first place but somehow found ourselves receiving all of Kogan’s latest deals (my bank account demands I unsubscribe). Whatever the case, there is an art to email marketing. So, how exactly can you improve your email marketing strategy? Keep reading to learn all the secrets! Digital Marketing agency Your Digital Solution can assist with your Email Marketing and make sense of the deeper complexities.


  • Understand Your Audience:
    This could perhaps be the first tip for almost every area of marketing strategy development, why? Because your marketing strategy revolves around your audience. Knowing and understanding your target market is what drives engagement, develops your brand and boosts your business. So, knowing how to appeal to them through email marketing is pretty damn important. The best way to get it right is to think about your target market as if you were them and try and think about how they would best engage with and respond to an email. If you’re targeting an older market you might be best to use a simple layout, provide a phone number as a call to action and use images to describe things.


  • Play around with Automations:
    If you’re using MailChimp or something similar take advantage of the automation email features. Automations allow you to schedule a specific email to those who did or perhaps didn’t open an initial email campaign. For example, if you’re sending an offer, you might want to re-send it to those who don’t open it within two weeks. But for those who do open it but don’t get in touch, you might want to send them a follow-up with an additional discount code to drive engagement and better influence consumer decisions.


  • When is too much, too much?
    While there are a million different opinions on this particular subject, recent studies show people are more likely to unsubscribe from a mailing list if they receive more than 1 email per day, however a minimum of 1 email per day can also be overkill depending on the audience. Like many small businesses, you may not have the time to be creating and sending out targeted email campaigns 3 times a week. So, in that case, as long as you keep it consistent your audience will recognise your material and keep you relevant in their mind.


  • Not Every Email has to be Looooong:
    Where some businesses go wrong is thinking that every successful email campaign has to be long-winded and jampacked full of information. Typically, long-winded emails are actually less successful than short and simple emails. While there is often an occasion where you need to go all out and create a big campaign full of info, try to keep it at a minimum.


  • Subject Lines are IMPORTANT:
    Subject Lines are quite obviously very important, but the key is developing cleverly structured subject lines that engage your recipients. Research and trial and error various different examples and pinch some good ones that you see other companies using.


  • Stay out of Spam Folders:
    There are ways to reduce the likelihood of your email campaigns going straight into your recipient’s spam folders. Ensure you avoid using caps, avoid using too many exclamation marks, hyperbolic phrases and poorly formatted HTML.


Email Marketing may not be rocket science but it is difficult, the above tips and tricks can help you to better unpack the complexities of Email Marketing. Alternatively, if you feel like you need a little additional assistance, get in touch with Your Digital Solution Brisbane for all of your email marketing needs.

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